
Always-On for the leading streaming service

Collage of various musical artists against a vibrant, colorful background with musical notes and abstract shapes. The artists feature diverse styles and attire, including one with a futuristic helmet, another wearing a fur hat, and others in trendy streetwear. The Spotify logo is visible in the top left corner.


Since 2020, we are proud to run Spotify's German social channels. From release teasers to owned video formats to memes about music culture, SpotifyDE connects fans to what they love: music and podcasts, and the people behind them.

To further establish Spotify as a relevant voice in music, podcast and culture, we knew we had to go beyond product marketing and offer meaningful ways to participate. Why not be a music and podcast magazine for the social age, creating content that inspires, informs and drives conversation amongst the community to keep them coming back?

A hand holding a smartphone displaying an Instagram feed from the user ‘spotifyde’. The feed features various colorful posts, including images and text related to music and artists, such as Taylor Swift, Dhurata Dora, and mentions of hip-hop and festival activities. The background is a clear blue sky.

Whether it’s release teasers or updates, a personal message from artists, or a meme capturing our users’ moods, every piece of organic content has to offer the community something they can't get anywhere else.

Instagram post from ‘spotifyde’ featuring a meme of Kermit the Frog looking sadly at his reflection in a mirror. The text above the image in German reads, ‘Wenn ihr eine gemeinsame Playlist mit Friends zusammenstellt, aber keiner Songs hinzufügt außer euch:’ which translates to ‘When you create a shared playlist with friends, but no one adds songs except you.’ The caption below the image reads, ‘Die Definition von “Trust Issues” 😢 #meme’. The post has 13,228 likes.
We speak at eye level with the community, maintaining a fine-tuned balance between Spotify’s professional voice and a genuine tone that resonates with Gen Z.
A selection of highlighted social media comments and interactions

Our in-house team handles everything from creative development to editorial planning, copywriting and asset design. We also cover paid media and, of course, community management.

Collaborating with artists is an important part of what we do for Spotify. BTS footage, quick-fire interviews and owned formats have made the account what it is. With our original artist content, we create a genuine reason to follow the channel, drive reach, and further connect some of today’s defining talent to the brand.

We also adapt consumer campaigns – such as Spotify's biggest annual campaign, Wrapped – into socially native engagement starters

Every piece of content is approached with an editorial mindset. What is happening in pop culture right now that our audience wants to weigh in on? How can we add value for the community? An acute grasp of zeitgeist, social listening and diligent community management form the foundation of our strategy, resulting in engagement significantly beyond the average.

Our guiding idea, always, is to connect brands with their audience by creating value. We don’t flex, we show up and add, and add again. The effort has paid off. Spotify's German channels have earned the trust of Gen Z and have become a legitimately respected platform for music and podcast enthusiasts and artists alike.
