Code of Conduct

Building world-class digital products and telling meaningful stories requires a diverse perspective.

At A Color Bright, we embrace an inclusive culture and are committed to providing equal opportunities to all, regardless of gender, race, ability, age, religion or any other aspects of appearance, background or personality.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is not just an afterthought but a fundamental part of how we operate.

We design and create with a focus on accessibility and representation. We hire for talent, not for degrees.

We share our space and ressources with initiatives and members of underrepresented and marginalized communities through partnerships and development programs. We are committed to learning how to not only make our company but the industry we work in a fairer and more welcoming place.

We encourage all employees as well as partners and clients to be active participants in fostering an inclusive environment and holding everyone accountable for upholding DEI principles.

Any kind of disrespectful behavior, discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated, and employees violating these rules will be sanctioned accordingly.